Search in Sherbrooke and Magog: more than 170,000 illegal cigarettes seized

A major operation in Sherbrooke and Magog led to the largest seizure of contraband cigarettes “to date” for the region’s Accès Tabac squad, with more than 170,000 units removed from the streets on Thursday.

To “put an end to the activities of a network of traffickers of contraband cigarettes operating in the Sherbrooke and Magog region”, the police officers of the Accès Tabac squad of the Régie de police de Memphrémagog (RPM) and the Service de police de Sherbrooke (SPS) carried out three simultaneous searches on Thursday morning, according to a press release published on Friday.

These operations, in Sherbrooke and Magog, led to the seizure of a total of 172,349 units of contraband cigarettes and cigarillos with flavor, in addition to having made it possible to remove from the street ten soiled cannabis plants and 241 grams of cannabis in dried pots.

Officers also recovered $3,280, a 2011 Hyundai vehicle used in committing offenses and a list of clients.

“This is the region’s largest contraband tobacco seizure ‘to date’ for this specialized squad,” the statement read.

These searches followed an investigation opened since February 2023, following information received from the public, said the RPM.

Three targeted individuals will be interviewed by investigators in the coming days.

The Accès Tabac program, implemented by the government in 2001, aims to curb the illegal tobacco trade in Quebec.

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