“Sean Connery arrested James Bond because he thought he was poorly paid,” says his wife Micheline Connery

Married for 45 years with Sean Connery, Micheline Connery recounts her romantic life and her love at first sight in a documentary series “Madame Sean Connery”, broadcast Sunday October 9 at 1:15 p.m. on France 2.

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Micheline Connery was married when she first met the James Bond actor in 1970 on a golf course in Casablanca, Morocco. It’s love at first sight. But the two lovers, who are in their forties, are married and have children.

It is the starting point of ado documentary series Miss Sean Connerybroadcast on Sunday October 9 at 1:15 p.m. on France 2. The documentary tells of the strength it will take to overcome the difficulties and lead to a marriage in 1975.

Micheline Connery is going to take over the affairs of Sean Connery, who remains a gentle naive who used to say that he “had been fucked more than a prostitute”. She will find the title of her last James Bond never ever again, and will become his agent.

The documentary series signed by Stéphanie Renouvin, his granddaughter, combines unpublished images in Super 8 of the intimacy of Sean Connery filmed by his wife, as well as testimonies and reconstructions of the highlights of their life together. The series airs Sunday, October 9 at 1:15 p.m. on Sunday on France 2, presented by Laurent Delahousse.

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