Sderot is emptying of its inhabitants



Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – M. Burgot, R. Duroselle, L. Krikorian, Y. Kadouch, G. Perez

France Televisions

In the south of the Jewish state, the civilian population of several municipalities has been largely evacuated. Some, on the other hand, decide to stay put. Report from Sderot.

In Sderot (Israel), 580 meters from the Gaza border, the streets are deserted. A few soldiers are patrolling. Suddenly, a series of mortar fire, coming from the Palestinian enclave, hits the city. The few civilians still present return to the shelters. Rescuers arrive at the scene of the impact. The residents of the apartments have all left, so there are no victims. Further away, Israeli soldiers take up positions in the homes of some civilians. The owner of the house does not want to leave Sderot. “This land is ours“, she says.

The mayor requested evacuation

Isolated, an isolated old lady doesn’t want to leave either. She listens to the news on television all day. She has not been out since Saturday October 7, when Hamas took possession of the city and its police station. “It was the mayor of Sderot who asked the population to evacuate this town, because he considers, I quote, that the government of this country is incapable of protecting the civilian population“, reports Maryse Burgot, special correspondent in Sderot.

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