ScunchiZ, a site specializing in healthy and balanced snacks

All summer in “It’s my job”, original business ideas, business creations that respond to the times. Friday August 12, the portrait of Bathylle Baudry, who launched into good and healthy snacks, for children and adults, with her site ScrunchiZ.

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Bathylle Baudry is a young mother who, for her four-year-old child, couldn’t find a snack that was both good, healthy and without a ton of packaging.

“I started looking into it and couldn’t find any solutions. So I decided to start ScrunchiZ.”

Bathylle Baudry

on franceinfo

But how do you get started in the food industry when you spent ten years at Club Med in finance? “We worked with a culinary author who writes healthy and gourmet cookbooks, Marie Chioca. She made her recipes available so that we had a starting point that had already been validated by many readers and parents and children. Afterwards, we worked on the recipes so that it matched our specifications, that it was reduced in sugar, in fat but that the pleasure dimension was really present”, says Bathylle Baudry.

And to take the plunge, Bathylle Baudry was accompanied by Agro ParisTech, an incubator for companies launched in innovation for sustainable food.

Bathylle Baudry has chosen not to go through mass distribution and to sell only online. In particular to reduce packaging. ScrunchiZ started small in December 2020, with crowdfunding. She now has 2,500 customers, but Bathylle Baudry is sure that good times are ahead of her.

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