Screens: our choice tonight

History of time running out

Human beings have always sought to “tame time”, to measure it in an ever more precise way. This documentary, which is as “educational” as it is entertaining, explains how, from prehistoric times to today.

La fabrique du temps, Télé-Québec, 8 p.m.

“Beaver” for dummies

This biographical documentary is a very good introduction to getting to know the author of the Second sex and figurehead of feminism, commented among others by Élisabeth Badinter and Leïla Slimani.

Beauvoir, the adventure of being yourself, TV5, 8 p.m.

One evening in Montreal

The city’s most famous poet and musician passed away five years ago this week. To mark this anniversary, Artv is rebroadcasting the great tribute concert concocted a year after his death by his son, Adam, on the bill full of stars from here and elsewhere (Patrick Watson, Lana del Rey, Sting, Elvis Costello and co).

Tower of Song: Homage to Leonard Cohen, Artv, 8 p.m.

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