Science: dinosaur hunters in search of discoveries in the United Kingdom



France 2

Article written by

T. Cuny, L. Soudre, C. Madini, S. Gravelaine – France 2

France Televisions

In Britain, enthusiasts are trying to unlock the last secrets of dinosaurs. Amateur archaeologists dig the earth, looking for fossils.

At the foot of the majestic cliffs of charmouth (UK)explorers dig, search and inspect stones. Their quest is to find fossils on the good named Jurassic coast, in the south of the country.It’s amazing, it’s part of our history. Usually you see them in shop windows. Here is mine. I found it“, says a woman.

Many fossils have been found along the coast thanks to the tides and storms that hit the cliffs and reveal the remains.We have a special geology, with stratified layers that perfectly preserve the fossils”explains Alison ferristourist guide to charmouth. In the UK, a new species of dinosaur is discovered approximately every two weeks. The Dinosaur Museum Isle contains four exceptional bones, which belonged to one of Europe’s probably largest land predators.

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