“Schools will be open, but above all open to the virus,” laments union spokesperson Snuipp-FSU

The syndicate teacher Snuipp-FSU is worried about the return to school on January 3. If it is not in favor of postponing the start of the school year, the union calls for stricter health measures to secure schools.

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Students return to school on Monday January 3, as the 5th wave of Covid-19 and its variant Omicron submerge France. Teachers say they are worried about the situation. “Schools will be open, but above all open to the virus in the coming weeks”, estimates Guislaine David, the spokesperson and co-secretary general of the teachers’ union Snuipp-FSU on Sunday January 2 on franceinfo.

The union, which was not in favor of postponing the start of the school year, asks, on the other hand, to secure schools and stricter rules. “We are going to have contaminations”, warns Guislaine David, thinking of vulnerable children, families and staff. “Currently, the rules are not sufficient”, she reacts. The mixing of students in the canteen, the absence of CO2 sensors, the lack of masks, in particular FFP2, are singled out.

From Monday, for children under 12 in contact case, carrying out a test for all students in the class as soon as a case appears in the class, and return to class upon presentation of the result negative. In addition, the students carry out self-tests on D + 2 and D + 4. “A gas factory”, summarizes Guislaine David. The teachers will have to manage the students in class and from a distance. “This is where we do not agree with the ministry. We cannot duplicate each other. We will not be able to provide both, face-to-face and distance”. Moreover, “children in both kindergarten and elementary school cannot be independent”, she emphasizes.

With the new rule of contact cases, “it is the economy above all. Parents have to go to work”, summarizes the co-secretary general of the teachers’ union Snuipp-FSU before concluding: “We are going to live very complex weeks, the teachers are not at ease.”

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