schools must obey the law and do prevention, says president of the Women’s Health Fund

Israel Nisand considers that the argument of “lack of time” put forward by certain schools for not carrying out prevention is not valid.

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“Less than 15% of students hear about these extremely important subjects for everyday life during their course”, deplore this Tuesday, September 27 on franceinfo, Israel Nisand, former president of the National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians and President of the Women’s Health Fund (FSF). A statement made while the Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DRESS) publishes a study on Tuesday – the eve of World Abortion Rights Day – on abortion in France.

According to Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics Gynecology, “prevention, information, enlightening women about their fertility, informing men about the fact that sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy and that they must feel just as responsible… All of this , it’s elementary and it’s not done”he explains, recalling that a law exists obliging schools to inform students.

“There are three to four hours that are planned each year since primary school about information on sexuality and that is not done, despite the law.”

Israel Nisand, president of the Women’s Health Fund

at franceinfo

For Israel Nisand, however, prevention is essential and is recommended by professionals: “For years now, all the professionals who are interested in this subject have believed that prevention is better than performing abortions and have been asking for information on sexuality in schools to be provided everywhere.”

The president of the FSF also thinks that this prevention is the best way to remedy regional disparities in terms of abortion. He believes that the argument of “lack of time” advanced by some schools is not valid: “There is a law and it is not made to adorn the shelves of the Minister of National Education but to be applied.”

Finally, regarding the drop in the number of abortions among women under 25 and especially among minors, Israel Nisand welcomes this. For him it is “A very good news”. This means – according to him – that young women “have better and better control over their fertility.” He explains this decline by the evolution of contraceptive methods: “Perhaps the number of intrauterine devices – which is long-term contraception that you don’t forget – played its part in this age group.” According to him, it is also thanks to the combination of “free” and “privacy” that we achieve this reduction.


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