Schools are due to reopen on January 17

As pediatricians and doctors working with children and adolescents, who unfortunately have neither the right to vote nor a union to defend them, we felt the duty to be their spokespersons. Many of us are concerned about the impact of school closures on their well-being, for a third year in a row. It is imperative that this closure ends on January 17, at the latest.

Education is a basic need of children and it must be a priority. It is well demonstrated that the quality of distance education is not comparable to that in face-to-face, and that learning delays accumulate. The negative impacts of the closure of schools (even temporary) are at several levels: learning, food, dropping out of school, dependence on screens and numerous physical and mental health problems. Currently, measures taken to control the spread of the virus appear to be more damaging to children than the virus itself.

Epidemiologically, data shows that closing schools during other waves of the pandemic has been an ineffective strategy. Studies in places where schools have remained open since May 2020 show that cases of COVID-19 in schools mirror cases in the community, but that there is little transmission inside schools. Schools represent safe, controlled environments where sanitary measures are in place. Additionally, teachers were no more likely than other adults in society to catch COVID-19.

An increase in hospitalizations among children linked to COVID-19 was recently announced. Concretely, this represents about fifty children throughout the province. Hospitalized children are not very sick, often admitted for other reasons and their hospitalization is for the most part of short duration. Recent data show that the risk of hospitalization associated with the Omicron variant is lower than with the Delta variant, in both children and adults. It is important to note that children are regularly victims of viral infections which affect them much more severely than COVID-19.

In addition, the 5e wave comes when the vaccination rate among 12 years and over is 89.6%. The proportion of teachers and vulnerable populations adequately vaccinated is over 95%. Teachers should now be reassured about vaccine efficacy, as well as encouraged to get their third dose. Even with two doses of the vaccine, we have partial protection against infection, but very good protection against severe forms of the virus.

As far as children and their families are concerned, the breaking point has been reached. Taking children hostage by mortgaging their future should not be an option. Mr. Legault, it is time to show the public that education is really a priority by reopening our schools on January 17, and that this will be the last time that schools will be closed.

* This letter is supported by more than 100 signatories.

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