schoolchildren targeted by stones thrown in the middle of sports, no injuries

Hooded people entered the sports field where 25 college students were doing their PE lesson on Friday, November 12, before attacking the teenagers. Some projectiles measured more than six inches.

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Friday, November 12, while they were in sports, the students of a fifth class of the Jules-Ferry college in the 15th arrondissement of Marseille, in the northern districts of the city, were targeted by heavy jets. stones brings France Bleu Provence. Some of these projectiles measured more than 15 centimeters according to the teacher present at the time of the facts.

Hooded individuals burst onto the sports field, within the confines of the establishment, where the 25 college students were with their PE teacher. The latter put his students to safety and no one was injured. The rectorate explains that the anti-intrusion alarm was working but that it could not prevent this scene of violence which lasted nearly half an hour.

Since Monday, November 15, the entire teaching staff has refused to resume classes and has asserted its right of withdrawal. On Wednesday November 17, a delegation was also received by the rectorate who proposed, according to the teachers, to equip them with fog horns to report any intrusion or to provide them with a dog handler, who happens to be already on site, but without animals.

The rectorate specifies, moreover, that a guard will be present within the establishment from 7 am to 6 pm every day in order to secure the premises.

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