School zones in Laval: 3,000 statements of offense since September

The Service police de Laval (SPL) has issued more than 3,000 statements of offense in school zones since the start of classes last September.

In Quebec, 550,000 students take the yellow bus to get to school. During this school bus prevention week, TVA Nouvelles took part in a police operation with the Laval police.

The target location is on Boulevard de la Concorde where the Eureka primary school is located. At 8:30 a.m., the students get off the buses and are greeted by the school director.

Screenshot, TVA Nouvelles

SPL agent François Gélinas hid inside a snow shelter to discreetly observe motorists. It stands ready to intervene if a vehicle is traveling despite the flashing red lights activated with the bus stop sign.

The drivers who take the children to school see green and unripe ones. “Pass over the red indicators and even on occasion by my right. I have seen everything! You have to drive for others,” testified Stéphane Leroux, bus driver.

To counter these dangerous road behaviors, the SPL makes road safety a priority. “It’s not just about back to school. It is scalable so that the police are present throughout the year, “said the communications officer, Chantal Moreau.

Screenshot, TVA Nouvelles

In school zones, the fines are doubled. Armed with his laser speedometer, Officer Gélinas checks the speed of motorists. In less than a minute, he noted the speed of a vehicle at 70 km/h, while the permitted speed is 50 km/h.

“We’ll go get him,” said Agent Gélinas. After activating the flashing lights and the siren of his patrol car, he quickly joined the young driver further on the boulevard de la Concorde. The interception took place in a grocery store parking lot.

“I was late for school, but that doesn’t justify anything. Sometimes, we are faster, we weigh more on the gas, “said the young driver, who accepted without grumbling the ticket, two demerit points and a hefty fine of $267.

To date, the SPL has conducted over 700 surveys near schools. “There are signs that indicate if we are in a school zone. Watch your speed and be aware of what you are doing with your vehicle,” explained Officer Gélinas.

In less than 90 minutes, the police operation made it possible to intercept six drivers. The majority of violations were for speeding and one driver for running a red light. The SPL does prevention every day near schools.

When the red lights are activated with the stop sign, drivers must stop their vehicle more than five meters from the bus. The fine is $200 to $300. The offending driver will also have 9 demerit points.

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