school, vaccination, end of year celebrations … What to remember from government announcements

New measures to counter the new wave of Covid-19. The Prime Minister, Jean Castex, spoke on Monday, December 6, a series of “vigilance measures” to try to stem the epidemic resumption in France during a press conference in Matignon. Here is what to remember from the announcements of the head of government, who was accompanied by the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran.

Health protocol strengthened in primary schools

“We are going to raise the health protocol in primary schools to level 3”, announced Jean Castex. In particular, students and staff should wear the mask indoors and outdoors. It will also again be necessary to limit the mixing by level and by class during the restoration. Regarding sports activities, only those of low intensity, compatible with the wearing of a mask and the rules of distancing, are authorized indoors. At this stage, however, there are no plans to bring the end of year school holidays forward.

Closure of nightclubs for four weeks

The head of government announced that the nightclubs will close for a month, starting from Friday (December 10). “We will be closing the discos for the next four weeks”, up to “early January” and the companies concerned will be “economically supported” by the state, said Jean Castex.

Vaccination for 5-11 year olds at risk open from December 15

The vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 exposed to severe forms of Covid-19 will be open from December 15, as recommended by the High Authority for Health (HAS). The government is awaiting scientific advice to generalize vaccination to all children in this age group. Jean Castex is considering this opening “if possible by the end of the year”.

People 65 years of age and over can be vaccinated without an appointment

French people aged 65 and over will be able to get a booster dose of the Covid vaccine without an appointment, “whatever the center” in which they are going, announced Jean Castex. In order to try to curb the circulation of the virus, we must “keep our vaccine shield and even amplify and strengthen it”, advocated the Prime Minister.

Teleworking demanded from “all companies which can”

“It is necessary that throughout the territory, all companies which can mobilize teleworking”, asked Jean Castex. The government has announced the extension of teleworking, “up to three days” per week in the public service, two to three days elsewhere if possible.

The Prime Minister also recommended to the French to “lift the foot” in their social interactions, and to limit “moments of conviviality” indoors in the private and professional spheres, in an attempt to stem the fifth wave.

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