School uniform: discover the first images


Video length: 2 min

School uniform: discover the first images

School uniform: discover the first images – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – C. Sinz, M. Gracia, A. Joly, D. Sébastien, T. Guéry, M. Nadal, B. Girodon, France 3 Toulouse, L. Michel

France Televisions

The standard model of the school uniform was revealed on Friday January 19. The experiment, on a voluntary basis and desired by Emmanuel Macron, will be financed by the communities.

In the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the unique outfit could consist of a navy blue polo shirt with a logo of the region, that of the establishment and the French flag. The three polo shirts and sweaters distributed by students would be entirely financed by the region. “The uniform will be able to fight against harassment, erase certain differences“, says Mickaël Paccaud, regional advisor for educational excellence Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

Initiative tested in around a hundred establishments

Five high schools in the region are expected to participate in the experiment. This initiative divides students and teachers, who believe that the outfits allow everyone to express themselves. Others believe that the uniform creates an equal footing. In France, the unique outfit will be tested in around a hundred public and private primary, middle and high schools on a voluntary basis. Tests will begin from September 2024, for a period of two years.

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