School pick-up brought forward to 4 p.m. for all Gard establishments due to bad weather

The Gard prefecture indicates this Friday at midday that the transport organizing authorities in connection with the National Education services will anticipate school pick-up at 4 p.m. for all schools in the department due to the announced bad weather. The services of Météo France have placed the department of Gard in orange warning for thunderstorms this Friday afternoon. The department has also been placed on yellow alert since Friday morning for thunderstorms, rain, flooding and flooding.

Stormy showers begin in the Cévennes at midday to reach the plains and the coast in the afternoon. An intensification of the meteorological phenomenon is expected between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. with strong electrical activity accompanied by hail and gusts. The expected accumulations should be in the order of 40 mm in a short time. More intense storm cells could occur with accumulations of around 60 to 70mm (stationary storm) then causing a risk of runoff. The end of the stormy episode is expected around 2 a.m.

The authorities organizing transport in connection with the National Education services will anticipate school pick-up at 4 p.m. all schools in the department (end of classes at 4 p.m.). Parents whose children do not benefit from a school bus service are invited to pick up their children at 4 p.m. In case of impossibility, the children will remain present in the establishment until the arrival of their parents. Stay informed of the situation on, and The prefect of Gard calls for the greatest vigilance and invites the population to:

  • Avoid driving after 6 p.m.
  • Limit travel for the evening unless absolutely necessary
  • Take the usual precautions to shelter sensitive objects from the wind
  • Get away from waterways
  • Stay informed and monitor rising waters

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