School harassment: the word is freed on social networks


Video length:
2 min


Article written by

France 2 – V. Gaglione, B. Bock, T. Toujas, C. Chabaud

France Televisions

In recent days, there has been talk about school bullying. French people of all ages testify, like Ombeline, 44 years old.

It was 30 years ago. Ombeline was harassed at college for four years. It started with mockery daily, (…) then it moved on, not to everyone, but to sexual teasing“, she says. More and more children and parents are speaking out. With the hashtag #school harassmenton social networks speech is freed.

Shame changes sides

A day in 4th, my stalker sat on my chest… I screamed that I was choking… but everyone was laughing including the sports teacher… 30 years after J‘still have hatred’confided in particular an Internet user. Shame has changed sides. Ombeline says that one of her former attackers came to talk to her. He was very embarrassed, and he apologized.”she says. Now aged 44, the scars are still there.

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