Posted at 6:00 a.m.
On Disney+ and in cinemas
A question has obsessed the household since the first viewing of the three-time Oscar-nominated film: if you had the power of one of the members of the fantastic Madrigal family, which one would it be? While the 8-year-old would like to grow flowers like beautiful Isabela, her younger sisters would like to transform like cousin Camilo or be strong like tall Luisa. With its touching story filled with magic, Encanto is the family film par excellence. And what an amazing soundtrack! We Don’t Talk About Bruno even reached the top of the charts Billboard. If you haven’t already, join the Madrigal family!
Veronique Larocque, The Press
Wanda Vision
On Disney+
What motivated a 14-year-old boy to wake up, with his father, at 7 a.m. on Friday morning during spring break last year? The latest installment in the first spin-off series from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Wanda Vision. Nine episodes that devour each other like a thriller. It is both a tribute to American television culture (each episode corresponds to a decade), starting with the sitcoms 1950s and magic tricks in the style of MA beloved witch. As well as an increasingly twisted mise en abyme of a universe of superheroes, with accents of Twin Peaks and of Truman Show. Ingenious, inventive and comical, but also dark and mysterious.
Marc Cassivi, The Press
Black Widow
On Disney+
A superheroine movie? With a woman (and more!) with fearsome kicks and punches, and action to spare, no, but what more could you ask for in a large family of girls, precisely? True, the scenario did not particularly mark us. But no matter. A little indulgence. Because whether you are a fan of the Avengers or not, here you have a film with enough action to please the youngest (10 years with us), as well as the oldest (the author of these lines), through teenagers (who were too taken by their series so far, thank you Euphoriabut that we promise to tie up for a good two hours of girl power family, next week). We wish you the same.
Silvia Galipeau, The Press
Agent John
On the ICI Extra

scene of Agent John
Imagine the kindest, most dedicated, purest-hearted secret agent possible. Now add antlers to his head. You have a portrait of Agent Jean, the title character of Alex A.’s comics and star of the show that bears his name. The seven-minute episodes – perfect for easily managing screen time – are packed with action, humor, endearing characters and terrifying villains. The voices of talented actors such as Pier-Luc Funk, Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse, France Castel, Bernard Fortin, Anne Dorval and Adib Alkhalidey bring to life the funny stories, which are different from those in the books. The first season totals 45 episodes and the second has 4, so far.
Pascal LeBlanc, The Press
The merry patenteurs
On ICI Télé and ICI

Jean-Sebastien Busque and Frederic Choinière
If your children rave about the volcano experience or the magic milk experience, introduce them to The merry patenteursmoderated by Frédéric Choinière and Jean-Sébastien Busque (fast not fast). In this unpretentious science magazine, but nevertheless with great ambitions (we still cook eggs and a sausage with a dome transformed into a solar concentrator!), the duo conducts astonishing experiments. Some are difficult to reproduce at home, but others, particularly focused on cooking or gardening, are more accessible. Added to this are nice scenes where children try to guess the function of an object. Officially for 9 to 13 year olds, but our 5 year old asks for more. On ICI Télé on Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
Valerie Simard, The Press
Cobra Kaiseason 4
On Netflix
Daniel Larusso and Johnny Lawrence have joined forces to face the cryptic John Kreese, but we suspect that their diametrically opposed philosophies will once again separate them, taking with them their young proteges. However, another rival from the past comes to confuse the cards, and now we find ourselves once again hanging on the end of the cliff while waiting for the fifth season of this delicious series which hits home as much with nostalgic parents as young people. who thrive on action scenes. However, we have observed some side effects with young teenagers who, after viewing, have an annoying tendency to transform the living room into a dojo…
Pierre-Marc Durivage, The Press