Schiappa, Grégoire, Beaune … Ministers participate in the summer university of La France insoumise, to “wear the iron”

Saturday August 27 and Sunday August 28, rebellious France is making its political comeback by organizing its summer university in Châteauneuf-sur-Isère, near Valence. All weekend, strong from the good score of the Nupes in the legislative elections, the party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon intends to assert itself as the first force of opposition to Emmanuel Macron. Three government ministers have nevertheless agreed to go and debate there in front of an unsubmissive and certainly hostile public: Clément Beaune, in charge of transport, Marlène Schiappa, in charge of the solidarity economy, and Olivia Grégoire, delegate for SMEs.

Since the announcement of their arrival in Valence, alongside the Insoumis, these members of the government have come under criticism from all sides, including within the majority. “Criticism of show politics in general comes from those who have not received an invitation”launches Marlène Schiappa, determined not to let it go.

As for Olivier Grégoire, debating Saturday with Adrien Quattenens prevents him from attending the meeting of his own political family, planned in Metz. Renaissance, the party that replaces La République en Marche, must bring together its executives and establish a charter of values ​​for the new group. The Minister Delegate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises has made a choice and she assumes it: “I think it’s important that some of us are also upfront, promoting, defending against a political force that is extremely tough on government actions. It’s a matter of political practices. ”

“I think the debate needs to be more nourished, more in-depth and that’s the meaning of my trip.”

Olivia Grégoire, Minister in charge of SMEs

at franceinfo

Whether Marlène Schiappa is preparing to face a hostile public, it’s for a good cause. “I also go there to say things to rebellious militantsexplains the Secretary of State. When you are a political activist, you sometimes hear only part of what can be said. I know that neither Jean-Luc Mélenchon nor Alexis Corbière will say to rebellious activists: ‘Watch the government train police officers, gendarmes to collect the words of women victims of domestic violence’. This was not the case five years ago but today it is.”

And she assures: “It’s a bit like Blandine in the lion’s den. It’s all the panache of the exercise.”

By debating with La France insoumise, the ministers also wish to open up the possibility of discussing later with these opposition deputies and, perhaps, succeeding in fracturing the left alliance. “I do not necessarily reason in a monolithic blockrecognizes Olivia Grégoire. I think that there are men and women within the Nupes, and perhaps even some rebels in a personal way, who could, on certain proposals that they consider intelligent, abstain or not vote against. It’s not impossible.”

In any case, the time when the macronie dismissed France Insoumise and the National Rally back to back seems to be over. According to information from franceinfo, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne even gave the green light to her ministers in person to participate.

Ministers will debate with the rebellious: report by Julie Marie-Leconte

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