Schiappa affair, future of Nupes, immigration, environment… What to remember from Sandrine Rousseau’s interview

MP EELV-Nupes from Paris was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Friday June 16, 2023.

Sandrine Rousseau, EELV deputy for Paris, was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Friday June 16, 2023. Schiappa, Nupes, immigration, aviation … She answered questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Agathe Lambret.

Marianne Fund: Marlène Schiappa “must resign”

Marlene Schiappa “must resign”, asserts Sandrine Rousseau, deputy EELV-Nupes of Paris. The Secretary of State is suspected of favoritism in the allocation of funding from the Marianne fund, created following the terrorist assassination of Samuel Paty to fight against separatism. Even if Marlène Schiappa is not indicted, Sandrine Rousseau believes that the “situation is serious enough” for there to be a political decision. “Politics is a question of ethics”, says the deputy. According to her, “the memory of Samuel Paty deserves a political act to be taken”.

Lyon-Turin line: elected officials “are right” to participate in the prohibited demonstration

“They are right to go there”, explains Sandrine Rousseau. The deputy for Europe Ecology – The Greens (EELV) defends the presence of elected officials at a demonstration against the construction site of the Lyon-Turin high-speed rail line, this weekend, banned by the prefecture. These elected officials, including the EELV mayor of Grenoble, Éric Piolle, and the president of the La France insoumise (LFI) group in the Assembly, Mathilde Panot, will be able to “protect the demonstrators and pacify the situations on the spot”she says.

Nupes: Act II of the coalition is “a bit at a standstill”

Sandrine Rousseau has been calling for an “act II of the Nupes” for several months. She recognizes, this Friday, that it is “a bit stalled”. “I regret”, continues the elected environmentalist. She wants to build “hope for a people of the left and ecology” and succeed in convincing them that the left is “able to take power” And “to change their life”. “Today, the Nupes do not seem to me to be able to wear this”admits Sandrine Rousseau who thinks that the Nupes program could benefit from “the confrontation with intellectuals, trade unionists”. “Jean-Luc Mélenchon is kind of fixated on the fact that Adrien Quatennens has to be brought back, I think it’s a mistake”, tackles the deputy. She wants the Nupes to reconnect with “a spirit of defense of social rights and defense of women.”

Immigration: Marine Le Pen “accepts that people die in the Mediterranean and that they are not saved”

“When Marine Le Pen says NGOs are the problem, she accepts that people are dying in the Mediterranean and not being saved”accuses the deputy Europe Ecology – The Greens (EELV) Sandrine Rousseau. “It’s scandalous, the NGOs are there to save lives, to prevent people from drowning”, she says. The day before, the president of the National Rally group in the Assembly attacked these organizations. “I would like us to find a little bit of humanism in this affair”explains the elected Parisian.

Carbon-free aviation: the zero-emission plane “does not exist”

While Emmanuel Macron is preparing to make announcements on the decarbonization of aviation, in particular an envelope of 300 million euros per year, Sandrine Rousseau assures that “There is no such thing as a zero-emission plane”. “For every public euro that we spend on all public policies, we should look at the impact in terms of improving the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions”, insists the Green MP. According to her, “France must be exemplary, it must show the way and it must make enormous, substantial efforts”. Asked about domestic flights, Sandrine Rousseau believes that they must be completely stopped because “train alternatives exist”.


Find the entire “8h30 franceinfo” of Friday June 16, 2023:

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