Scarlett Johansson mom: this past that she absolutely wants to hide from her daughter Rose…

Just because you’ve won an Oscar, played a Marvel heroine for years, or been consistently among the most powerful women in the world doesn’t mean you don’t ask yourself the same questions as everyone else. the mothers ! Scarlett Johansson is experiencing this today with her daughter Rose, 7 years old, the fruit of her past love with the Frenchman Romain Dauriac.

Indeed, as she explained in the very popular Drew Barrymore show, she is currently trying to hide an aspect of her youth from him: she smoked a few years ago. “My daughter must have asked me already. I smoked when I was younger and I’m so ashamed of it. I don’t want her to think that I thought it was cool because I don’t want her to smoke, ever.“, she explained.

That’s how it works, right? You forbid your children to do things and normally they don’t. So, yes, I hope it will happen like that for me!“And the actress is not done worrying: after Rose, will come her second child, little Cosmo, now 7 months old, whom she had with her current husband, comedian Colin Jost.

It must be said that little Rose arrives at an age where questions are asked: the actress had said that she asked her absolutely everything. “Why are you frowning? Why do you make up your eyelashes? What is a tampon? Why are you wearing underwear like that?” asks the little girl to her mother, who has a hard time answering everything.

I tried to explain to him why I didn’t want people to see my underwear under my pants. She didn’t understand, she told me ‘But you’re wearing underwear!’ So I told him it’s true, it’s weird.“A very intelligent little girl who adds as a string to her bow the fact of speaking French, with her father Romain Dauriac. And it’s only just begun for the actress who will then have to manage the adolescence of her two children!

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