Scam: Robert Hendy-Freegard still not found



Article written by

T. Cuny, M. Guigne, L. Claveau S. Lacombe and France 3 Limousin – France 3

France Televisions

Sunday, August 28, the authorities still have not found the notorious British crook who injured two constables in the village of Vidaillat, in the Creuse.

Robert Hendy Freegard continues his run and has not been found for three days. The man is actively sought after having knocked down two gendarmes during a refusal to comply at his home near Guéret (Dig). This is where the 51-year-old Briton has been living for the past few years, after serving his sentence in the UK. Robert Hendy Freegard is a con man, convicted of extorting more than £1million from several people. His story has even been the subject of a documentary on Netflix.

For one of his former victims, he is a great manipulator. She was under his control for ten years. “He’s so good at lying and convincing people of things that aren’t true. If you don’t take his threats seriously, you’re underestimating him.”says Sarah Smith. According to his neighborhood, Robert Hendy Freegard lived in seclusion with his new companion. A woman who, according to the mayor of the town, could also be under the influence of the Briton. Accompanied by her son, the woman would have returned to the United Kingdom at the end of the week.

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