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Monday, October 3, the scallop season begins. Fishing professionals expect a good harvest and customers rejoice.
The scallop shell, with its pearly whiteness and orange coral, is back on the shelves on Monday 3 October. Professionals are anticipating an exceptional harvest for 2022. In Granville (Manche), customers are rushing to buy the precious shells. “You have to come early in the morning to get some, because it goes very quickly”assures a man. “It’s the super season, there’s nothing better than scallops”adds a woman.
The sellers limit the purchase to five kilos per person in order to satisfy everyone. With a strong wind and rough seas, only one boat went out to sea for the first scallop fishing. “We knew that they were announcing gales, so we knew very well that shells were going to be missing, there are a ton, instead of having ten tons”, says Jimmy Montreuil, skipper. The kickoff of the fishing was given on Monday, October 3, and it will last until May.