Saype’s monumental work flown over by the French patrol at the Ballon d’Alsace

Up close, it’s hard to make out anything other than large black, gray and white shapes… The crowd, which came in large numbers for the occasion, is torn between admiration and incomprehension: “For the moment, I can’t give too much opinion” says Agnès. “I imagine that we will see lots of photos on the internet and in the newspapers, but I admit that right now it does not speak to me too much”. In reality, the work only makes sense with hindsight and needs to be observed from above – with a drone for example.

Seen from the sky, Saype’s painting represents several elements related to the territory of Belfort.
Jean-Francois Lami

A work rooted in the territory

Fortunately, Saype is there to explain all this to us: “There, we see the child. We can guess his hand, his nails when we approach a little”. On either side of the character: a train, cubes, a guitar and a stuffed animal in the shape of a lion. “The idea was to bring together in a single work everything that represents the territory of Belfort“says the artist, who was born there and spent a large part of his life there. For the president of the Territoire de Belfort, Florian Bouquet, it was important to choose a local artist to highlight the issues specific to the department : “I believe that the Belfortins have a special attachment to their history, to their industry” he explains along the way to the top of the Ballon d’Alsace. “We find that in Saype since he grew up here, his work is a beautiful tribute to our territory”.

Overflown by the patrol of France

The highlight of the show was the passage of the Patrouille de France, at the end of the morning, above the Ballon d’Alsace. A prestigious visit, on the occasion of the centenary of the territory of Belfort : “It is an immense pride, because it does not circulate anywhere” rejoices Florian Bouquet. “She had already come for the 30th edition of the Eurockéennes, and another time to support caregivers during the pandemic. For a small territory like ours, it’s very impressive!”

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