More than a million euros for Savoyard skiers. The Domaines Skiables de France are once again supporting the Savoie Ski Committee in the training of young champions. They donate to the Mouvement Sportif Savoyard. A sponsorship that aims to create ski champions in all categories: alpine skiing, Nordic skiing, freestyle skiing, snowboarding or even telemark. This is a smaller amount than in previous years but still substantial for skiers.
For many athletes, this financial assistance is the assurance of having a season that does not cost them too much. Benjamin Hoareau is a Savoyard, top athlete and alpine ski champion. This help halves the price of his season. “ A normal season, without covid, is around 12,000 euros. You have to add equipment, skis, … This help is really essential. The committee’s share in the season is enormous, after which we are sometimes also helped by the club; in the end it comes back to us at 5,000, 6,000 euros maximum ”, details the skier.
Fabienne Dheyriat is the general secretary of the Savoie Ski Committee. She is delighted to have kept the support of funders despite the white season last year. “The role of the Committee is to train future champions. This financial support allows young people to train, it allows young people to shine on the international podium. It is proof of confidence to support us again this year, despite the complicated situation we are experiencing ”, declares the general secretary.
– Marine Clette
Help to prepare for the 2022 Olympic Games
Last year this aid climbed to more than 3 million euros. Usually the amount is supplemented by income related to the income from the ski season. Except that in 2020, the counters are at zero.
But the ski areas of France were keen to maintain their minimum sponsorship which represents 1 million 175 thousand euros. David Ponson is the president of the Savoie section: “ This year, the commitment is even stronger after a blank season without customers and turnover. Our role and our commitment remain the same during times of success or in the face of difficulties. Our objective is to ensure the promotion of the practice of leisure skiing and the detection of young talents in the clubs to train them to the high level ”, specifies the president.
For David Ponson it’s more than a financial gesture: “It’s a very long-term commitment, it’s been 30 years now. it is our contribution to the territory. If in Savoy, who is _the first ski department in France_, we are not helping to make young athletes who practice skiing, I do not see where we will be able to do it, at least in France ”, smiles the president.
Help that is welcome, on the eve of major sporting events such as the Alpine Skiing World Cup in 2023 or the Beijing Olympics next February.