Savoie placed on avalanche orange vigilance

If the weather improves for the whole country, the Savoie department has been placed on orange alert until 9 a.m. Saturday.

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Vigilance remains essential for the Savoyards. Météo France has placed the Savoie department on avalanche orange vigilance, Saturday April 9 until Sunday, 4 p.m. In question: the consequences of the storm Diego which has hit the country since Thursday and which has circulated over the Northern Alps. Storm deposited a significant layer of snow on the Savoie, heavy and wet snow locally up to 2,200-2,400 m altitude”, said Météo France in its weather report. But the situation is improving, since “the rain-snow limit is down to 1,500 m this Saturday morning at 5 a.m.”.

This layer of snow reaches “generally 40 to 50 cm from an altitude of 2200 m on the 3 massifs placed in orange vigilance”, details Meteo France. The massifs concerned are Haute-Tarentaise, Vanoise and Beaufortain. This layer of snow can reach 60 to 80 cm at an altitude of 3,000 meters and on the peaks near Mont-Blanc, such as those of Nord Beaufortain and Nord Tarentaise.

Note that the level of avalanche risk is high, estimated at level 4 on the European scale, on the Beaufortain, Haute-Tarentaise and Vanoise massifs.

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