Saturday Night Fever | John Travolta heats up the auction

John Travolta’s suit in saturday night fever flew for $350,000 at auction.

The white three-piece ensemble, which the actor wore in one of the most famous scenes in the 1977 musical film, found buyers at a sale held online and in person this weekend in Beverly Hills. The auction house Julien’s Auction, which organized the event, confirmed the news through a press release.

The company also confirmed that a second costume by the comedian had excited buyers: the one he wore in 1994 in pulp Fiction, in his role as hitman Vincent Vega. This outfit went for $44,000 CDN.


John Travolta’s costume in saturday night fever

Other items that convinced fans to open their wallets include Warren Beatty’s yellow coat in Dick Tracy ($123,000 CAD), Michael J. Fox’s flying skateboard in Back to the Future 2 (C$123,000), Keanu Reeves’ costume in John Wick 3 (C$18,000) and one of Dumbledore’s character wands in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixwhich sold for C$176,000.

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