Sarthoise handball player Manon Houette selected for the French team

Manon Houette does his return to the French handball team. La Sarthoise has been selected for the last two qualifying matches for Euro 2022. She will participate in the trip to the Czech Republic this Wednesday at 8 p.m., then in the reception of Ukraine in Le Havre this Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Matches without real stakes since the Blue ones are already qualified for the competition.

She replaces Coralie Lassource, who tested positive for Covid. It is in any case the opportunity for Manon Houette to find the tricolor colors, his last selection dating back to June 2021 with the preparation for the Tokyo Olympics. The 29-year-old left winger is currently finishing the championship season at Bourg de Péage, before joining the Chambray club, south of Tours.

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