Sarah Lopez (Secret Story) in a relationship with a restaurant owner who is already a dad presents her stepdaughter… and she is absolutely hot!

Sarah Lopez is the happiest of women. Humiliated by her ex live on Spanish television last March, the star of “Angels” seems to have finally found the man who suits her. However, the reality TV candidate seemed broken after her delicate break-up with Tom Brusse. ” Wait, I don’t understand. Before you left, you told me that you loved me more than anything. You told me that I was the future mother of your children. I introduced you to my mom three days before you got on this show. You told me to trust you completely, and 24 hours later you’re getting closer to a girl? With the same first name as me? You told me we were going to live together. We had lots of plans. For a 20 year old hottie, you wanna leave me? “, she was carried away during her confrontation with the Spanish candidate.

A few weeks later, she spoke about her suicidal thoughts and her difficulties in coping with such suffering. ” It could have been femicide. I could have killed myself. I am losing my hair and I have lost 6.8 kg “confided the pretty brunette in a moving interview with Jeremstar. And to continue: I gave so much, I cried so much this guy is a monster. Being left like that live is really emotional abuse. I hope he will one day understand all the pain he has caused me. »

Sarah Lopez introduces her “stepdaughter”

Exit Tom Brusse, Sarah Lopez is now in love with a handsome 43-year-old man with salt-and-pepper hair. Inseparable, the two lovebirds are also on the verge of moving in together in Dubai. But while waiting to be able to concretize this project, the couple offered themselves a vacation in Corsica. A dream stay in the company of the children of the darling of the star. Teenagers with whom the one who was taking her first steps on television thanks to Secret Story gets along wonderfully. She is also very close to Maiwenn, her “daughter-in-law” whom she adores and whom she has just introduced on her networks!


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