Sarah Lopez rages against LIDL after recall of contaminated chopsticks

The past few weeks have been trying for Sarah Lopez. Indeed, the young woman was betrayed live on television by her former boyfriend Tom Brusse. Thanks to the support of her loved ones and her community, the influencer was able to get her head above water. From this terrible experience emerged a very beautiful project. In effect, she used her past to start a support forum for other people who would be in the same situation as her.

A few weeks ago, Sarah Lopez has returned to France in particular to solve the health problems of her new baby Mickey. For those who ask me I am leaving Dubai but just for a while otherwise I still live there. I returned to France earlier than expected because I have to take care of Mickey’s health (the dog I took out of a shelter abandoned by his former asshole masters). I have a week or so ready for my veterinarian to take stock of his condition and a treatment adapted to him because with Mickey we are leaving for a new adventure. I can’t wait to make you discover this adventure elsewhere” she explained on Instagram.

Fortunately, her little dog is in better shape since he was able to accompany her on her latest adventures. For those who haven’t followed the story, the beautiful brunette went on a roadtrip for ten days to the four corners of France where Sarah Lopez was able to chain activities just as unexpected as each other alongside her friend Issam and many other people.

Back home, the reality TV candidate however had a bad surprise and she shared it with her community this Monday, May 16, 2022 on Instagram. “I’m in a sick panic, I saw something on the networks and I’m in serious panic. During the ten days of roadtrip with Issam, we only went shopping at LIDL (…) We ate food from LIDL for lunch and dinner. We made sandwiches almost every day with the cereal baguette. There’s an article that says there’s iron in their cereal chopsticks. How come there is iron, I go to the airport I ring?” the young woman wondered.


See also: What character do the Sarahs have?

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