Sarah Jessica Parker “regarded as a” plague victim “: her improbable anecdote with Catherine Deneuve

Some say that it is better never to meet your idols. A piece of advice that was not followed by Sarah Jessica Parker. During a recent interview with our colleagues from Public, on newsstands from December 3, 2021, the iconic star of the film Hocus Pocus (1993) remembered her first meeting with the one she admires for many years: Catherine Deneuve.

Because about this meeting, Sarah Jessica Parker does not have a good memory. “I am a [fan] unconditional of Catherine Deneuve“, she first indicated, before continuing:”I ran into her one day on a red carpet. I approached by throwing him a ‘Nice to meet you’ from the bottom of my heart. “Except that this first attempt at contact was not heard by the French actress of 78 years. Result SJP had to start again”A bit stronger“.”Madame Deneuve then turned around and looked at me like a plague victim. She took the scampering while making sure that I did not follow her!“, then indicated the interpreter of Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and The City, disappointed.

For now, the wife of Matthew Broderick is back on the front of the stage with a major project: And just like that. This is the sequel to the famous Darren Star series, scheduled for December 9 on HBO Max. An achievement made without the presence of Willie Garson, who died on September 21. A loss for the entire cast of the series, who were very upset, but also for the beautiful blonde.

On her Instagram account, on September 25, the latter had sent him a tender declaration: “Sometimes silence is a statement. Of gravity. Anguish. The magnitude of the loss of a friendship of more than 30 years. “ And to continue: “A true friendship that allowed secrets, adventure, a shared professional family, truth, concerts, road trips, meals, late night calls, mutual devotion to parenthood and all the hardships and the joys that come with it, the triumphs, the disappointments, the fear, the rage and the years spent on sets (most notably in Carrie’s apartment) and laughing late at night as Stanford and Carrie, and Willie and SJ. “

Find the full interview of Sarah Jessica Parker in the pages of Public, already available from your newsagents.

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