Sarah Fraisou with a damaged tooth: photos of her new face, her husband laughs

A tooth is missing and everything has changed. Sarah Fraisou was able to see this on November 9, 2022. Indeed, Internet users who follow her on Snapchat quickly saw that the former candidate of the angels (NRJ12).

The charming 30-year-old brunette is one of those who like to share their daily life on social networks. And Sarah Fraisou is not afraid of anything! She shares the good and the bad times. She also proved on several occasions that she was not ashamed of anything and did it again this Wednesday. Indeed, it is a transformed young woman that her community was able to discover and for good reason he was missing… a front tooth.

Indeed, one of his teeth was broken, but no way to hide it. Sarah Fraisou filmed herself as usual. She even showed what had happened to her in the night it seems. “One tooth changes the whole face“, she remarked, as she drove to the dentist, with her husband Mehdi by her side. The latter jokingly asked her not to smile too much. didn’t apply. She also didn’t fail to laugh every time she saw his face on her phone screen.”It’s hot. You saw, yesterday I said what. ‘You often ask me about my teeth.’ Your eye is too powerful. Yesterday when the tooth left, my tuesday was sleeping. I told myself that when he woke up, he was going to think that it was not the same girl that he had fallen asleep with‘, continued the reality TV candidate.

It was then at the dentist that its subscribers were able to find it. Sarah Fraisou filmed part of her appointment to show how the doctor proceeded to redo her tooth. Then, a new woman appeared. It is indeed as if nothing had ever happened since she displayed perfect teeth. “JI wasn’t going to stay without chico anyway“, she said. Then she launched to her husband: “It’s good you found your girl? It’s okay, he did them well.“Happy, she was then able to continue the course of her day.

Go to the slideshow to discover all the images.

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