Sarah Fraisou victim of domestic violence? Ahmed justifies himself, she retaliates

From love to hate, there is only one step that Sarah Fraisou and Ahmed have taken since their divorce last March. But, if they had thrown themselves so far as simple spades, things took another turn on December 22, 2021. The 29-year-old reality TV candidate accused her former husband of being violent, of the accusations to which the main party replied on December 23.

It is during a live with Marc Blata that the young man who will soon be found in 10 perfect couples (TFX) has spoken. He first explained what happened on the evening of the infamous leaked video, in which he can be heard saying that he had just slapped Sarah. Everything would have taken place when leaving a nightclub, after a fit of jealousy from the brunette. Drunk, she would have “beaten” the sporty one. The latter would not have raised his hand on her but would have pushed her to stop. A reproach she would have made him once in the car. From there, psychological pressure. (…) So I ask her what she wants. If she wants me to say I slapped her. I went crazy and made the video. I emailed her telling her that she can watch her to please herself“, he assured.

Sarah had also explained that during a filming, he suspected her of being pregnant and had threatened to banging in her stomach so that she doesn’t have this child. Facts he denied. Just like the fact that he would have forced her to lose weight, to the point that she made herself vomit. “I never made her vomit! What is this madness ? This girl is sick, she must go to consult. I just accompanied her in her approach“, he declared. And to specify that on several occasions, his ex-wife had it threatened to kill himself if he left her. However, he admitted that he had sometimes criticized her for her clothing. “You can’t dress like this when you’re married. She’s not my girl … She’s my wife I’m going to have children with. And for your husband, you make concessions. You can’t go out in a tight miniskirt“, he estimated.

Sarah Fraisou speaks again

Sarah Fraisou of course did not miss these statements and quickly reacted on her Snapchat account. She confirmed that she slapped Ahmed in the face at the party because he spoke to girls behind her back and insulted her. Pushed to the limit, she would have ended up hitting him but would have apologized. On the other hand, she would not have beaten him as her ex claimed. She then unveiled a video in which he insults her. Then she once again assured that Ahmed was urging her to reach a certain weight and that if she got fat he would leave her.

According to her, Ahmed was in a relationship with her only to be in the spotlight. Then, she explained that she suspected him of being involved in her burglary dating from September 2020. Serious accusations which should once again make her ex react.

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