Sarah El Haïry, Secretary of State for Youth and Engagement, visits Reims

Sarah El Haïry, the Secretary of State for Youth and Engagement, was visiting the vaccination center at the René Tys complex in Reims on Tuesday.

On site, she congratulated the officers present who ensure covid-19 vaccines. “Thank you for being mobilized during this holiday season“, she told nurses and doctors present.

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The Secretary of State paid particular attention to the vaccination of children. According to the person in charge of the call center, on average 30 little ones come to receive their first dose every day, for a week. “We absolutely accept the need to be vaccinated, today it is the only weapon not to end up in the hospital in a serious situation or in intensive care. Today, vaccination is the biggest shield“, said Sarah El Haïry.

New measures “to face the two waves” of covid-19

Asked about France Bleu Champagne Ardenne, shortly before her trip to the center, the Secretary of State returned to the various measures announced the day before by the government.

Among them, the limitation of large gatherings to 2,000 people indoors, 5,000 outdoors. A measure that intervenes “now“because of the presence”of two waves, the delta and the omicron“. About the political meetings, who are not subject to any gauge, Sarah El Haïri assures that “the responsibility lies with the candidates and politicians“. She also underlines that the majority”will ensure exactly the same gauges and [instaurera] the vaccination pass, once the parliamentary debate has passed“for its public meetings.

We still need to make some efforts to protect our social life – Sarah El Haïri, Secretary of State for Youth and Engagement

As for the impact of these restrictions on young people, Sarah El Haïri asks “still some efforts“and ensures:”Seated concerts are better than no concerts at all; gauges to 2,000 or 5,000, that confinement and no one outside“, before inviting young people to be vaccinated.

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