Sarah case: her attacker sentenced to eight years in prison for rape




Article written by

L.Nahon, E.Lagarde, T.Le Bras, T.Watine, France 3 Île-de-France, E.Noel – France 2

France Televisions

Friday, November 4, the Pontoise court recognized a 28-year-old man at the time of the events, guilty of raping an 11-year-old child. He was sentenced. The case had initiated the debate on the non-consent of minors.

Sarah, hood and a scarf to hide herself, is constantly supported during the three days of the trial by her psychologist. Her attacker is sentenced to eight years in prison for rape. For the court, he abused his vulnerability and exerted moral constraint on her, who was only 11 years old and he was 28 at the time of the events. “Obviouslyit is a relief and it was a decision which was expected and which is right. Now she is a child who is traumatized and who still presents a state of dissociation”explains Master Carine Durrieu dieboltthe girl’s lawyer.

Throughout the trial, the defendant maintained that he did not know that the victim was 11 years old. The court found that her age was noticeable when interacting with her. The defendant’s lawyer denounces a biased verdict and does not rule out an appeal. Indeed, justice had seized the debate. A kid who does not express his refusal to an adult be considered as consenting? A law has been passed: below 15 years, there can be no consent.

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