Sara Netanyahu, blocked by demonstrators for four hours in a hair salon, finally exfiltrated by the police

Blocked for several hours in a hairdressing salon in Tel Aviv by demonstrators, Sara Netanyahu, the wife of the Israeli Prime Minister, had to be exfiltrated by the police.

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Dozens of police in gray and khaki running through a crowd of demonstrators to escort Sara Netanyahu, the wife of the Israeli Prime Minister, in the middle of vehicles with flashing lights. This scene takes place in Tel Aviv, this Wednesday, March 1, and is the epilogue of one of the highlights of a day of tense demonstrations against the government of Benjamin Netanyahu.

>>TESTIMONY. “I don’t want Israel to become a dictatorship”: in Jerusalem, thousands of people gather to oppose the reform of the judicial system

Sara Netanyahu had to be exfiltrated from the Tel Aviv hair salon where she was stuck for four hours. The footage was even broadcast live on television. We see hundreds of demonstrators, with Israeli flags, surrounding the establishment, preventing it from leaving. During the exit, the wife of the Prime Minister was heartily booed.

The right accuses the demonstrators of an unworthy attack on individual freedoms while the left camps Sara Netanyahu as Marie-Antoinette. The protest against judicial reform began nine weeks ago and for the first time since the protests began, police charged and threw scatter grenades. The demonstrators believe that this project is anti-democratic.

“A sovereign country cannot tolerate anarchy.”

Benjamin Netanyahu

Wednesday evening

After this very tense day, Benjamin Netanyahu spoke, far from wanting to calm things down: “Freedom to demonstrate is not a license to plunge the country into anarchy and chaos. We will not accept violence in Huwara, Tel Aviv or anywhere else.” The Israeli Prime Minister compares the citizen demonstrations in Tel Aviv to the ransacking of the Palestinian town of Huwara by extremist settlers last Sunday. The new demonstrations, scheduled for Saturday evening, will take place under very high tension.

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