Santa Claus parade: an opportunity to bring joy to children

Born with the aim of helping sick children, but also the poorest families, “the heroes of hope” participate in various events under the theme of superheroes and fictional characters known and loved by all.

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“I found that mixing reality with fiction was something that worked because the world needs to identify with something,” said the organization’s founder, Nicholas Lizotte alias Aquaman.

For him, the Santa Claus parade has a particular importance since it is first and foremost intended for children for whom the magic of Christmas can bring comfort in difficult times.


It is for this reason that sick children from five hospitals were able to attend the event thanks to the help of Urgences-santé.

“Part of the parade, there are going to be the children who are seriously ill. They can’t go out, but once a year, they will take them out, the paramedics will bring them on stretchers so that they can take part in the parade. So, some of the superheroes, when we go past them, we will go see them and greet them, ”explained Mr. Lizotte to the QMI Agency shortly before the start of the parade on Saturday.


Around fifty children hospitalized in five hospitals were treated by 175 paramedics and students in pre-hospital emergency care.

“It’s an unforgettable experience, especially for some little patients who rarely leave the hospital. It gives meaning to what we do on a daily basis. It is a tradition that inspires us and that we hope to perpetuate for a long time to come, ”said François Charpentier, president and CEO of Urgences-santé, in a press release.


A father was moved to see stars in the eyes of his young daughter during the parade.

“I feel happy, happy to be outside, happy that she is smiling. It’s fun. It’s a balm on the heart. It’s fun to see the kids smiling and everyone happy,” he says.

The happiness of children above all

As the Heroes of Hope hold numerous events dedicated to children, the volunteers who work there all have causes that affect them more particularly. Thus, during the parade, many groups join the formation to create “an amalgam of all the characters whether from films, superheroes or video games” who are loved by many, specified Nicholas Lizotte.


“It’s really to have the impression of giving more to these people, that’s what is the most satisfying. I’m not one to wander around Comiccon events. Really, I do it for young people. […] We are really here for a good cause,” said Jean-Francois Racette, a volunteer with the organization.


The latter was also able to share this experience for the first time with his daughter Zoe who had been asking for some time to participate in the Heroes of Hope events.

“It’s rewarding because you’re doing something useful. We put pleasure in children’s faces,” explained Hélène Bélanger, who was invited to join the organization with her family a few years ago to take her mind off things, her daughter Mélody being sick.

The Grinch fell ill

On the eve of the Santa Claus parade, the Heroes of Hope found themselves without Grinch, a character very popular with the public, because his 16-year-old interpreter fell ill.

There followed a series of publications on social networks in order to find him a replacement.

It wasn’t until hours before the event that a new Grinch came to the rescue.


“Alleluia! We found a replacement for today, because I found it [dommage] that there is no Grinch for children, he who is really very much loved. It couldn’t be a parade without Grinch,” said the teenager’s mother, Hélène Bélanger, who usually plays characters from the iconic Christmas film with her two children.

Father of six children, two of whom are autistic, Patrick Bourgeois did not hesitate to step into the shoes of this character loved by many.

“I’m really used to kids and I really like doing tricks, having fun, so it’s going to be such an easy role for me,” he said shortly before the start of the show.


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