Santa Claus is “still” trash in Mondeville

The troop of the Academy Theater of Mondeville directed by Stéphane Chancerel tackles a cult play of the Splendid “Santa Claus is a junk”, but in a refreshed version hence the title “Santa Claus is ALWAYS a junk”.

Indeed, the play is more than forty years old, and for example the character of Pierre played by Thierry Lhermitte becomes Mickael, a young financial wolf. On the other hand, Thérèse is still there, and the story is still taking place at SOS Détresse Amitié.

Even if this piece has experienced a refresh, the original cult valves like “Thérèse is not ugly, she does not have an easy physique, it’s different” have been kept. Bursts of laughter guaranteed!

The Mondeville Animation website

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