Sanitary measures | New relaxations in force on Monday

(Montreal) The Quebec calendar for the easing of health restrictions related to COVID-19 provides that as of this Monday, all retail establishments can reopen and open at 100% capacity.

Posted at 6:27

Performance halls, for their part, can accommodate spectators at 50% of their capacity and the limit of 500 people has been removed, in particular for amphitheatres such as the Bell Center in Montreal or the Videotron Center in Quebec. The amphitheaters will however have to be restricted to 50% of their capacity until March 14.

Bowling alleys, game arcades and other recreation centers are now allowed to reopen to the public.

The vaccination passport is no longer required to have access to places of worship and to attend funerals and the limit on the number of people authorized to make visits to private residences for the elderly has been relaxed. The Government of Quebec considers that because approximately 25% of the population has contracted COVID-19, including a high proportion of unvaccinated people, and that the capacity of the health network is improving, the use of the passport vaccine no longer appears to be required at this stage.

On February 28, sports tournaments will be able to start again and teleworking will no longer be compulsory. Places of worship and performance halls will be able to open at 100% capacity, except for the Bell Center and the Videotron Center. Bars and casinos will be able to open at 50% capacity, but dancing and karaoke will remain banned until March 14.

On that day, restaurants, bars, and large halls such as the Bell Center and the Videotron Center will be able to open at 100% capacity.

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