Sandy and Alexandre (Married at first sight): Marriage and first big disappointment

Married at first sight 2022 was back with a new show, Monday, May 23, on M6. The opportunity to find Sandy (32 years old, school teacher) and alexander (40 years old, telephony business manager in the Var), 77% compatible. It was finally time for them to meet on the day of their union, in Gibraltar.

Alexandre has three children from two different mothers, including Chiara (17 years old, the result of a relationship that lasted ten years). “I hope it won’t scare him. I don’t think I’m going to tell him directly at the town hall. (…) I will save that for later. Either way it’s the package, my children it’s my whole life“, he confided. So he hoped that he would not once again return the false image of a seducer. Sandy’s guests were in any case worried about his reaction when they discovered that the groom had a daughter teenager.

It is Laurent, candidate for season 2 (2017), which accompanied Sandy, because his father did not wish to take part in the experiment. And he was afraid that his friend – who is hypersensitive – would not reveal, as usual, her emotions, which could spoil his adventure. When she arrived, she had therefore made up her mind not to hide anything. It is smiling that she advanced towards Alexandre. But she was more mixed when she discovered her daughter in the audience and then learned that he also had two children aged 5 and 8. “Even if we are 77% compatible, I wonder if he will want to start a family and have at least one more child because I want to have children.“, she first confided. But she quickly put things into perspective, saying to herself that he was a man who knew the role of dad and the responsibilities. Just like Alexandre, she therefore say yes” when they were asked the famous question at the time of marriage. They then exchanged their first kiss.

Then it was time to party at the party. Alexandre, who likes to rap, surprised him by singing a composition retracing how he felt before he met her and promising to make her happy. If everyone was emotional, Sandy was in detention as Laurent feared. “It’s super disappointing“, confided the expert Pascal de Sutter. A disappointment shared by the groom who already did not know on which foot to dance.

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