Sandrine Rousseau invites him to convince women “that his presence is useful”

EELV MP for Paris Sandrine Rousseau calls on Adrien Quatennens to convince women “that his presence is useful” within the National Assembly, Sunday, November 13 in the program Questions politiques by France Inter, franceinfo and The worldwhile the LFI deputy must return to the hemicycle by the end of the month.

Adrien Quatennens has been out of politics for almost two months, after he admitted to slapping his wife a year ago and confiscating her phone at the end of the summer, not accepting that she want to leave it. The latter filed a handrail, the Lille prosecutor’s office opened an investigation.

“I want to tell Adrien Quatennens that it is up to him to prove to women, especially battered women, that his return to politics could serve this fight and what he is ready to do to ensure that his return in politics serve this fight [de la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes]. I’m waiting to see his response”she says.

For her, the recent accusations of violence against women by figures of left-wing political parties, in particular against the former national secretary of EELV Julien Bayou accused of psychological violence on several companions, raises the question of what an organization is “safe, which really protects the people who are there, including the most fragile people”.

“We are at a new stage in the fight for gender equality and all its new stages are always painful and difficult for organizations because we are no longer just in sexual violence, we are in how we do politics. together and what does the word respect mean?

“It is a debate that we must have. I regret that my political organization does not take up this debate which is necessary.”

Sandrine Rousseau

at franceinfo

Sandrine Rousseau rejects any suspicion of political manipulation behind this kind of accusation, as her party’s congress approaches. She wonders: “When is the right time to speak? Is there a timetable where the 16th would be possible, and the 19th it would no longer be? Today, I think that any progress in this area is saving and good to take. We are in a gentle revolution, a non-violent revolution, where we invite everyone to come around the table.”

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