Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum summoned to the principal: their daughters are enemies at school!

Cate Blanchett in Ocean’s 8George Clooney in GravitySylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes in Demolition Man… Sandra Bullock gave the reply to the biggest Hollywood stars! She adds the name of Channing Tatum to her list of prestigious collaborators. The two actors starring in the film The Secret of the Lost City first met, because of their daughters…

This anecdote, Sandra and Channing told it on the set of the show The Late Late Show with James Corden. Asked about their very first meeting by the presenter, Sandra specifies that it took place “in the preschool principal’s office“. The reason? Their respective daughters, enrolled in the same establishment, argued regularly.

The school was calling us and I was like ‘Lord, let it be with Everly [la fille de Channing Tatum, NDLR] (…) They wanted us to find a solution, continues Sandra. Do you remember the day they had a fight, I said to them, ‘Should I call Channing or Jenna? [Dewan, ex-épouse de Channing Tatum et maman d’Everly, NDLR], what should I do ?’ And they were like, ‘No, we’re going to give them a challenge.’ And the challenge was to know which of them could be kinder to the other.

Since then, the girls have grown up, and the situation has visibly improved!

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