sand from the Sahara fallen in several regions of France


Article written by

A.Guillé-épée, L.Courté, J.Delage, J.Russeil – France 2

France Televisions

In several regions of France, sand from the Sahara fell on Tuesday, March 15. The result of a depression over Morocco.

Tuesday, March 15, motorists discovered their vehicle covered with a thin film of orange sand. The sand, not only unsightly, did not allow safe driving according to a motorist, who came to wash his car. “On the windshield it was limited. Even with the wipers it doesn’t change much”he says.

A dealer is, meanwhile, forced to clean a hundred vehicles. “When customers come to see cars, the prices are barely visible. It leaves a hell of a layer of sand”, says Laurent Guignier, Startcar sales advisor. Falling over part of the southwest, this rain of sand is the result of a depression over Morocco. sand particles “will be lifted high enough in the atmosphere” before being transported to Europe, explains Étienne Blot, meteorologist at Météofrance.

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