sanctions for not having kept the electoral calendar




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African and European sanctions against the ruling junta are beginning to weaken this landlocked country also plagued by jihadist violence.

Last week, in Accra (Ghana), the countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) sanctioned the Malian putschists for not having kept their commitments on the planned electoral timetable. “The authority considers the proposed agenda for a transition to be totally unacceptable. This clearly means that an illegitimate military government will hold the people of Mali hostage for the next five years.“, announced Jean Claude Brou, President of the ECOWAS Commission.

And it is not only on the African continent that the broken promise of Colonel Assimi Goïta, who was to ensure the transition of power with the holding of new elections, raises questions. France supports the decisions and retaliatory measures taken by ECOWAS. “We are going to propose to apply them at European level, to take them up for some of them with regard to the Malian leaders but also to the economic and financial measures that have been taken by African countries.“, said Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Foreign Affairs. In the country, the consequences of these sanctions are already visible in the desert bus stations.

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