San Diego Zoo Penguin Gets Orthopedic Shoes

(San Diego) Lucas, a four-year-old penguin at the San Diego Zoo (California), who limped due to a degenerative disease, is now fitted with custom-made orthopedic shoes.

Posted at 9:30 a.m.

They help him to fight his pathology called pododermatitis or “bumblefoot”.

These neoprene and rubber orthopedic insoles help prevent sores from developing on his paws when he stands and walks.

“Lucas was not walking properly, he had a lot of tenderness on his left side, where his degenerative disease is, details Debbie Denton, senior specialist in wildlife care at the San Diego Zoo. So you could see him lean a bit to the right and limp on his left foot. Since we were able to put his shoes on, he has a much more normal gait. When walking on flat surfaces, he no longer limps. He no longer favors his left side. »

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