Samuel Le Bihan in the middle of a “dream”: fiery declaration of “his half” Stefania

Speaking of dreams, Samuel Le Bihan could not have dreamed better. The hero ofAlex Hugo has always put his daughter Angia, who has autism, before himself and his personal life. So when he noticed that the current was going pretty well between her and his darling Stefania, he could only breathe a sigh of relief: “I knew he was a good person and that inevitably my daughter would feel it, it happened very naturally […] I couldn’t let anyone into my life if my daughter didn’t belong. It is decisive. […] My daughter loves it and she loves my daughter“ he indicated in the podcast parents first of Entertainment TV.

Finding love, Samuel Le Bihan almost no longer believed in it eight months ago. In an interview at We bothhe revealed that his schedule and the education of his daughter took up a lot of his time: “I work a lot and raise my daughter alone. It’s a huge personal commitment, because she’s different, and it’s hard to integrate someone into her story. […] Today, I have to really fall in love to be in a relationship, otherwise I don’t see the point.” This interest, Samuel Le Bihan finally seems to have found it with Stefania.

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