Samuel Labarthe had three children with an actress from Plus belle la vie

After a first marriage with Elena Safonova, a Russian actress with whom he had a child named Alexandre born in 1992, Samuel Labarthe fell in love with a famous actress from the series More beautiful life. Pretty brunette who has long embodied Charlotte Le Bihac on France 2, Hélène Médigue married the actor of the series The Little Murders of Agatha Christie in 1999.

Together, the couple welcomed three children: the twins Louise and Jeanne (born in 2001), and a third daughter named Mathilde (born August 2, 2009), of which Line Renaud is the godmother. A last birth which was experienced as a real miracle for the actress who was approaching her forties. “We did not expect that. Two months before learning that I was pregnant, I had got rid of all my childcare equipment. That is to say !“, she had also entrusted to Gala in 2009. After 17 years of marriage, the couple finally decided to divorce.

In addition to his role in the series of More beautiful life from 2004 to 2009, Hélène Médigue played in the playoffs Cain, The Little Murders of Agatha Christie and The judge is a woman. The ex-wife of Samuel Labarthe also worked for the cinema in 2015 in the film by Claude Lelouch, one plus one. On the boards, the actress starred in 2013 in the play An hour of tranquility and in 2016 in husbands and wives. She also went behind the camera to direct the short film It’s bad luck, what! and two documentaries listening time and We have 20 years to change the world.

Hélène Médigue also created the association Vincent’s Houses, which are centers for adults with autism (his brother also has this disorder). Several establishments exist in Lesperon, Mers-les-Bains and a third place should soon be set up between Avignon and Aix-en-Provence.

As a reminder, Hélène Médigue had been dismissed from the series More beautiful life in 2009, during her maternity leave. After a long legal action, she finally won her case against the production company Telfrance for unfair dismissal.

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