Samsung has launched the Galaxy S25 Edge at the Galaxy Unpacked 2025 event, entering the competitive ultra-thin smartphone market. With limited specifications available, it faces competition from brands like Xiaomi, OPPO, and Vivo, which may offer devices with larger batteries exceeding 4,000 mAh. Additionally, Apple’s upcoming iPhone 17 Air/Slim is also poised to compete at a similar thickness. As 2025 unfolds, the race for ultra-thin smartphones promises exciting innovations and fierce competition.
Samsung Unveils Galaxy S25 Edge at Galaxy Unpacked 2025
During the much-anticipated Galaxy Unpacked 2025 event, Samsung introduced its latest innovation in smartphone technology: the Galaxy S25 Edge. This exciting new device aims to carve out a niche in the highly competitive landscape of ultra-thin smartphones.
Rising Competition in the Ultra-Thin Segment
Although detailed specifications remain scarce, the Galaxy S25 Edge is expected to face significant competition from various smartphone brands. Notably, industry insider Digital Chat Station has hinted that several manufacturers are poised to launch their own ultra-thin devices, with Chinese powerhouses like Xiaomi, OPPO, and Vivo likely leading the charge. These upcoming models are anticipated to target the mid-range market rather than the high-end segment.
Furthermore, rumors suggest that these Chinese competitors may feature larger batteries than Samsung’s offering. Speculation indicates that the Galaxy S25 Edge could be equipped with a 3,900 mAh battery, whereas rival models might exceed the 4,000 mAh threshold, although concrete details are still limited.
In addition to Samsung, the smartphone arena is set to heat up with the potential arrival of Apple’s new iPhone 17 Air/Slim. Apple has made a name for itself in the ultra-thin category, as evidenced by the recent iPad Pro’s remarkable thickness of just 5.1 mm. The upcoming iPhone is rumored to aim for a thickness of approximately 5.5 mm, which puts it in direct competition with the Galaxy S25 Edge.
If the insights from Digital Chat Station hold true, we can expect Chinese manufacturers to excel in value-for-money offerings, possibly providing longer battery life and faster charging capabilities compared to their South Korean and American counterparts. OPPO, in particular, has consistently impressed in this arena, and the integration of such features into an ultra-thin design will undoubtedly be a game-changer.
As we embark on 2025, smartphone enthusiasts have much to look forward to, with a flurry of rumors and exciting product launches on the horizon. The battle for supremacy in the ultra-thin smartphone market is just beginning, and it promises to showcase the best of what leading brands can achieve.