Samira (Koh-Lanta 2022) in distress after her elimination: “We are taken care of, fortunately” (EXCLUDED)

After Céline and Lili then Mattéo last week, the third episode of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem was marked by elimination at Samira’s council. This former handball player who lives in Casablanca, Morocco, has paid the price for the overhaul of the teams. Well established among the blues, here she became red within a tribe composed mainly of former greens. Color games that earned him his elimination. Bitter, this 34-year-old brunette assumes that she experienced her elimination very badly. After the game, she shed torrents of tears, she who was ready for anything except this eventuality of being fired from the TF1 survival game … For Purepeople.comshe opens up about her adventure.

How did you experience your elimination?

Hot, I experienced my elimination as a mixture of frustration, injustice and sadness. I wasn’t ready. I absolutely did not expect it. Looking back, I tell myself that it’s the game. At least, I remained myself, with my frankness and my honesty. And for nothing in the world I will not change.

You end up in tears at the council… What happened in your head?

I understand it’s really over. And I say to myself: “But, it has just started!” I’ve known the competition since I was 10, I’m 35 today and I’m not used to it. I know the game with rules, a referee. I forgot the strategy side. I still had a lot to give, I felt great. So obviously, I’m not happy with the result.

Why do you think your classmates voted against you?

By affinity, the former greens and the former blues voted on their side. The old greens were in numerical superiority, it was necessary to choose. Me, I was so serene with an excess of confidence perhaps and that worked against me. The others also tipped the scales by speaking with Jean-Charles. I didn’t. I had been sent as a spokesperson for the old blues. And so since it hasn’t happened, it’s my head that they cut off, it’s logical.

Your comrade Jean-Charles is injured on the camp. What did you think?

I didn’t think he was a big guy and he was going to do it. I absolutely wanted him to come back. Because leaving means there is something serious. For a medical abandonment to be announced, the adventurer must really be at the end of the line. I didn’t expect that for him, it would have meant that his health was at stake. I preferred to be positive. If I had known that he would have voted against me, I would have called the doctor anyway, but we would have settled our accounts afterwards (laughs)!

How did you experience the overhaul of the teams?

I lived it well. Especially since Louana chooses me second among the blues, “without hesitation”. I told myself that I would feel good, that we saw that I wanted to give my all, that I was giving the right instructions on the tests. I was happy to find Fouzi and Géraldine again.

The current seemed not to pass with the ex-green men, in particular François and Jean-Philippe. Why ?

As Pauline said so well, there was this feeling of feeling a little overwhelmed. I think that François put good will into it, he is a good person who wants to leave room for others. Despite himself, he has a leader side and not a leader. Chief is giving orders. Leader means motivating the troops, optimizing everyone’s strength, giving yourself as much as the others and listening. It crushed the others, raised doubts and when you have a series of defeats, you are not in a good dynamic. I understand failures: there is no communication. On the test that we lose, I also noted it. And that’s a shame. With the blues, it was different.

You seem on the right track in the test of the torches… Why didn’t you impose yourself?

I tried ! But you have to know that we are a new team, there is more adrenaline, fatigue, hunger. But I personally blame myself for not having seen the thing immediately. I can still be heard giving instructions that are not followed. Ambre did things when it should have been François, stronger and taller. I want a little bit. I walk a lot with energy and there it did not circulate between us. In this case, it is difficult to be able to communicate.

In your previous blue team, you seemed to have a little trouble with Alexandra’s authority. What happened ?

I was afraid that she would simply act her little boss. I say it well on screen, she confuses authority and authoritarianism. I thought it would be difficult. There is also my ego speaking, I was chosen last as a daughter. I was afraid of not being able to live the adventure as I had hoped at the beginning. But that quickly changed because Alexandra is someone who listens. She trusted me on the first test and it paid off. There was a great atmosphere among the blues.

How did you handle theant invasion ?

Me, I did not participate in this because I have too much trouble. Apart from mosquitoes, I do not attack any animals. Salt water worked. We had to start again I think twice a day. I was bitten by ants at night. It is not something serious in itself. And then we are at home anyway. It disgusts me more to crush them than to suffer them.

What did you suffer the most from?

Without hesitation, the weather. The rain at night was hard. And then being constantly wet all the time too. Psychologically, it is really very very hard. After, in a second time I also suffered from my departure. Leaving so soon hurts.

What was your first gesture on the way back?

We are taken care of, and fortunately by the way. There is the production psychologist who is there for us, even today. She is exceptional. I admit that I cried a lot. I have a hard time with defeat, quite simply. Especially when it is not justified. I lived 15 years in competition and I always preferred a defeat having played well against a formidable opponent than a bitter victory. I had this feeling of injustice and I had a lot of trouble digesting it. I cried for two, three days, I don’t see that as something bad. Then when I got back, I was happy to see my loved ones again and to pick up my phone. Afterwards, I also ate but very little. There is a doctor who also takes care of us and we can’t eat quickly or in huge quantities.

In your portrait, it is mentioned a reconversion in the show… What are your projects?

I’m writing something, I can’t say more for now. I remain in the sport, that is clear and net. What was important to me when I came to Casablanca was to share human values ​​with Moroccan women through sport. Because there are feminists who irritate me a bit because they denigrate the image of women. I would like to counter that a bit. Feminism is reduced to the fact of being able to wear a mini skirt and a neckline whereas it is more about knowing your rights as a woman, fairness – I have no fight against men, we are together – and teaching them to to be independent women while respecting the man. All this through sports workshops.

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