Salim Berrada is on trial for 17 rapes or sexual assaults


Video length: 1 min

“Tinder rapist” case: Salim Berrada is on trial for 17 rapes or sexual assaults

“Tinder rapist” case: Salim Berrada is on trial for 17 rapes or sexual assaults

(France 2)

The trial of the “Tinder rapist” begins Monday, March 18, in Paris. Salim Berrada, 38, is suspected of having raped or sexually assaulted 17 women.

On dating apps, he called himself Adam, Lou or Crépuscule. Fake first names for a real trial before the Paris Criminal Court on Monday March 18. He is accused by 17 women of rape or sexual assault. Some of them hid their faces before entering the courtroom. They all hope to be recognized as victims. Salim Berrada, 38, presented himself on the applications as an experienced photographer. He offered his alleged victims a photo shoot in his Parisian home, where he insistently offered them a glass of alcohol. Some women claim to have been drugged.

Non-consensual sex

Traces of ecstasy and antihistamines were found in the blood samples of half of the complainants. “How can you consent when you have been drugged?”, asks Me Martine Moscovici, lawyer for several complainants, who assures that none of the victims wanted to have sexual relations with him. Salim Berrada denies the facts with which he is accused and affirms that the reports were consensual. His trial is expected to last two weeks. He faces up to 20 years in prison.

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