Salies-de-Béarn has found its traditional Piperadère

Salies-de-Béarn has rediscovered its piperade competition and its traditional World Sneaker Throwing Championship. After two years without a party due to the health situation, the city welcomed the 25th Piperadere. An edition headed by two young Salisian associations: salt on stage and The fabric factory.

A succession appreciated by Thierry Bourgeois, who founded the Piperadère in 1997. “The team that took over is dynamic and has prepared an extraordinary giant piperade and I’m not afraid to say it, it’s as good as those who made it for 20 years“.

An enthusiasm shared by Frédéric Domercq, co-president of Sel en scène. “We see a lot of Salisiens, but also a lot of tourists and curists. It’s nice to see that people are interested in the bearnaise tradition“, specifies the organizer.

A World Sneaker Throwing Championship

Between two piperade stands, part of the grounds of the Casino de Salies-de-Béarn has been set up to host the traditional World Espadrilles Throwing Championship. Record to beat: 33 meters. For Xavier, who is participating in throwing for the first time this year, no world record but promising scores: “I have a record at 20 meters 18, for a first I’m pretty happy! I did push-ups this morning but it wasn’t enough to break the record.”.

Maxime is a regular at throwing sneakers. But he affirms it: “Clike every year _I was dumb_, you have to get used to it. I won’t be world champion.”

And it may be the fault of the weather for the participant: “Usually I come in the morning, the freshness makes that the calf is cooler and we have a better throw. But we will do better next year I hope!”

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