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After years of uninterrupted growth, sales of organic food products fell by 3% in 2021. On the ground, producers are starting to worry.
Pierre-Nicolas Grisel, an organic poultry farmer in the Paris region, has been faced with the same situation since the end of the summer: he is not sure of selling all his chickens. “Organic store orders, which make up half of my sales, are down 20%“, he laments. He also notes a drop in sales in his own shop. In the organic sector, this phenomenon is generalized, as evidenced by the drop of 3.1% in 2021.
In the Loiret, Benjamin Trouslard, a market gardener, also sees customers becoming rarer. He sells some of his products up to 50% more expensive than those from conventional agriculture. To make this discrepancy acceptable, “it’s a daily fight“, he acknowledges. In addition to higher prices, the more numerous and varied competition can also explain the decline in sales of organic products. “It is replaced by other types of product which also have societal and environmental commitments“, explains Karine Sanouillet, consumer expert.